hanging over my fanny, which I then untied and turning my back to the audience, waggled it over my bottom, then putting it on the head of one of the stage 'audience' like a bonnet, tied the ribbons under the man's chin! I also had a puff ball in each cup of my black bra and squeezed out a dense cloud of talcum powder, including a special one for my friends in the orchestra! On another occasion, at an old fashioned "Music Hall" evening, the audience sat at tables and I acted as a Bar Maid with curls down one side of my neck, very low cut black dress with white lace collar and a very, very short skirt. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun.

Then there was the time I travelled with a company by chartered bus to another city to present our program I dressed as an air hostess and distributed sweets, magazines and general good fun.

Whilst away on another tour, at one very friendly hotel, we gave some impromptu items in the Dining Room to guests and staff after din- ner before leaving for the hall.

I have been so wonderfully fortunate and I sincerely hope that some- thing of what I have written will be of interest and encouragement to other TVs to find a way of using their special advantages for the good of others or even in private for their own satisfaction.

If any of your readers have any particular inquiries or questions on the subject, I would be so thrilled, through you, to help in any way - in fact it would be a privilege. I feel an urge to pass on all I can to help others, and to help you, Virginia, in your wonderful work. I hope the enclosed photos may be of some use in illustrating this effort to describe my cabaret work to others.

Gabrielle in a


Folies Bergere number.